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商品介紹 > 貝斯區 > 貝斯 > 貝斯弦 > ERNIE BALL
美國ERNIE BALL 2843 電貝斯弦(45-105)【ERNIE BALL貝斯弦專賣店/進口貝斯弦】
美國ERNIE BALL 2843 電貝斯弦(45-105)【ERNIE BALL貝斯弦專賣店/進口貝斯弦】
編號:EB-2843 A770S
定價:NT $1340
美國ERNIE BALL 2843 電貝斯弦(45-105)【ERNIE BALL貝斯弦專賣店/進口貝斯弦】

Go for the original with the slinky feel and the fat tone.

Gauges 45-65-85-105.

Ernie Ball 2843 Hybrid Slinky Bass Strings are crafted from stainless steel wire wrapped around tin plated hex shaped steel core wire. Produces well balanced, all around good sound.

The list of endorsers for Ernie Ball Slinky bass strings reads like a who's who of modern rock bass. Made in the USA with specially formulated alloys for long life and maximum vibrancy.

Ernie Ball is the pioneer of rock and roll guitar strings. Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Steve Vai, and Slash are among the long list of Slinky players.

Your axe will sound so much better you'll wonder why you waited so long. Order now. Order lots!