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 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Dunlop 死之華-米色 經典樂團系列彈片 附原廠彩繪盒(六片裝)-Grateful Dead 【Grateful Dead - Steal Your Face Tan/GDPT04M】
Dunlop 死之華-米色 經典樂團系列彈片 附原廠彩繪盒(六片裝)-Grateful Dead 【Grateful Dead - Steal Your Face Tan/GDPT04M】
定價:NT $280
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Dunlop 死之華-米色 經典樂團系列彈片 附原廠彩繪盒(六片裝)-Grateful Dead 【Grateful Dead - Steal Your Face Tan/GDPT04M】
※產 品 特 色
Dunlop 死之華-米色 經典樂團系列彈片 附原廠彩繪盒(六片裝)-Grateful Dead 
【Grateful Dead - Steal Your Face Tan/GDPT04M】

厚度: 0.73mm

Grateful Dead - Steal Your Face Tan



  • Authentic Tortex®
  • Classic Grateful Dead imagery.

※ 尺 寸 規 格
From 1965-1995 the Grateful Dead performed over 2,300 concerts for millions of fans or "Dead Heads." Together the band and the fans created a thriving mobile community that embraced the ideals of freedom, expression, & collective consciousness. They relied on the texture, tone, and playability of Tortex® for many years, and they would turn to no other manufacturer than Dunlop to produce these playable collectibles. 

This tin includes six authentic, medium gauge Tortex guitar picks with classic Grateful Dead imagery.