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商品介紹 > 配件區 > 吉他架&樂器架 > 吉他架
 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Cooperstand THE Pro-Tandem 可折收雙胞胎吉他架【民謠吉他/電吉他/古典吉他皆可用】
Cooperstand THE Pro-Tandem 可折收雙胞胎吉他架【民謠吉他/電吉他/古典吉他皆可用】
定價:NT $4200
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Cooperstand THE Pro-Tandem 可折收雙胞胎吉他架 輕巧方便攜帶
※產 品 特 色
Cooperstand THE Pro-Tandem 可折收雙胞胎吉他架
※ 尺 寸 規 格
The Pro Tandem is fabricated from sustainable solid African Sapele hardwood. It was designed for solo performers, singer songwriters, studio use or for limited display in a protected or monitored environment. Because it is a wooden product it could be damaged if accidentally stepped on. It is a very durable design, but it is recommended that it be monitored if used for heavy on stage use. Pro-Tandem securely supports acoustic, electric or bass guitar, ukulele, mandolin and more. The highly stable classy design enhances the professionalism of the performer. It takes up little space and provides an attractive non-overbearing display.
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