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商品介紹 > 音箱 & 效果器
 ★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折
EBow Electronic Bow for Guitar (魔音器/電吉他效果器)
EBow Electronic Bow for Guitar (魔音器/電吉他效果器)
編號:EBow A3400S
定價:NT $6200
★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折
結帳享 97折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)


The E Bow is a hand-held electronic bow for guitar.

The small 9V battery-powered E Bow unit replaces the pick in the right hand letting the guitarist mimic strings, horns, and woodwinds with unbelievable sensitivity. The EBow produces a powerful infinite sustain, rich in harmonics for incredible guitar sounds.

The EBow lets you play as fast as your left hand can scurry through a lick. Fade a string in from a motionless state for a reverse-tape effect. Run the EBow across the strings for gorgeous arpeggios. Add distortion for a screaming guitar sound. Playing the EBow directly over the pickup will increase your volume many fold and give you the crisp sound of super hot pickups. Moving away from the pickup gives you the mellow sound of a hollow body electric.

The sounds you discover by experimenting with the EBow will amaze you. And like the best tools of the trade, the EBow will sound different for each musician.
