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商品介紹 > 打擊樂器 > 爵士鼓 Drums > 銅鈸
 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Sabian 10吋 AAX Aero Splash Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:210XACB】
Sabian 10吋 AAX Aero Splash Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:210XACB】
定價:NT $8390
特價:NT $7100
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Sabian 10吋 AAX Aero Splash Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:210XACB】
Sabian 10吋 AAX Aero Splash Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:210XACB】
▲All about high-end cut, 10″ AAX Aero Splashes decay more naturally than SABIAN O-Zone splashes, but their multiple small-hole pattern design delivers a higher density of white noise concentration than the AAX Air Splash. If you’re looking for the perfect blend of musical effect with white noise, the Aero Splash may just be the ideal choice! SABIAN is committed to creating the widest, most innovative range of sounds on the planet, giving drummers more choice in creating their sound.
Sabian 10吋 AAX Aero Splash Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:210XACB】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Sabian 10吋 AAX Aero Splash Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:210XACB】
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