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商品介紹 > 管樂 > 薩克斯風區
 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
美國 RICO plastiCOVER 中音 薩克斯風竹片 2.5號 Alto Sax (25片/盒)【黑竹片】
美國 RICO plastiCOVER 中音 薩克斯風竹片 2.5號 Alto Sax (25片/盒)【黑竹片】
定價:NT $3500
特價:NT $2600
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
美國 RICO plastiCOVER 中音 薩克斯風竹片 2.5號 Alto Sax (25片/盒)【黑竹片】
美國 RICO plastiCOVER 中音 薩克斯風竹片 2.5號 Alto Sax (25片/盒)【黑竹片】
Plasticover Alto Saxophone Reeds
Plasticover reeds feature the standard Rico cut with a plastic coating, which resists moisture and remains stable in varying weather conditions. This coating results in a bright, projecting tone and offers greater durability and lifespan. Plasticover is a favorite among jazz and pop musicians and also works well in outdoor settings. Rico's updated reed-making machinery and state-of-the-art process have made today's Plasticover reed more consistent than ever before.
-Coated with plastic to resist changes in moisture and climate
-Color video inspection sorts cane quality
-Optical laser measurements ensure accuracy
-Offered in boxes of 25
美國 RICO plastiCOVER 中音 薩克斯風竹片 2.5號 Alto Sax (25片/盒)【黑竹片】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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美國 RICO plastiCOVER 中音 薩克斯風竹片 2.5號 Alto Sax (25片/盒)【黑竹片】
美國 Rico 中音 Alto Sax 銀色束圈組HAS1S (金屬束圈+新款吹嘴蓋)
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La Bella 2001H 高張力古典吉他弦【古典弦專賣店/尼龍弦/2001-H】
UMA UK-16SC 面單 雲杉木 23吋 烏克麗麗 附原廠袋