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 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Kyser KBMBA 移調夾 Capo 烏克麗麗/斑鳩/曼陀林皆適用
Kyser KBMBA 移調夾 Capo 烏克麗麗/斑鳩/曼陀林皆適用
定價:NT $845
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Kyser KBMBA 移調夾 Capo 烏克麗麗/斑鳩/曼陀林皆適用
Kyser KBMBA 移調夾 Capo 烏克麗麗/斑鳩/曼陀林皆適用
Kyser Quick-Change capos are brilliantly engineered and built to last. They are reliable and do just what they are designed to do, that is to clearly raise the pitch of the guitar (or other instrument) so you can play in a different key without retuning or changing fingering. The Kyser does so in an instant without pulling the srtings out of tune. Seasoned professionals and beginning players alike appreciate how the Kyser Quick-Change helps them transpose their key in seconds using only one hand. With a bit of practice you could even change key mid-song! Available in versions for use with classical guitar, steel string guitar, 12-string guitar and ukelele/banjo/mandolin, and in a bewildering array of cool colours, there's a Kyser Quick Change capo to suit almost everyone. The beauty of the Kyser Quick-Change is in its simplicity - a design that is often imitated, but never equalled. Don't settle for anything less than a genuine Kyser Quick-Change!
Kyser KBMBA 移調夾 Capo 烏克麗麗/斑鳩/曼陀林皆適用
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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