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商品介紹 > 貝斯區 > 貝斯 > 電貝斯 > Spector 貝斯
Spector Legend 4 Classic WCL 4弦貝斯 電貝斯/bass/貝士-韓廠▻另贈好禮
Spector Legend 4 Classic WCL 4弦貝斯 電貝斯/bass/貝士-韓廠▻另贈好禮
定價:NT $32000
Spector Legend 4 Classic WCL 4弦貝斯 電貝斯/bass/貝士-韓廠▻另贈好禮
Spector Legend 4 Classic WCL 4弦貝斯 電貝斯/bass/貝士-韓廠▻另贈好禮
▸本館另贈 : 吉他袋、導線、吉他背帶、琴布、Pick
NS-bass shape, maple body construction, and active electronics.
The Spector Korean factory was opened in 1986. Since that time the factory has done nothing but improve the
quality and value of these entry-level basses. Played by professional musicians everyday, these basses are
incredibly well-made using quality materials and components.
The Spector Legend 4X Classic Electric Bass Guitar features Spector TonePump Jr.. active tone controls and
EMG Pickups.
In addition to these quality electronics, the construction materials are professional quality, from three-piece maple
necks and rosewood fingerboards to Genuine Quilt Maple Tops over maple bodies.
Spector Legend 4 Classic WCL 4弦貝斯 電貝斯/bass/貝士-韓廠▻另贈好禮
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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