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商品介紹 > 管樂 > 銅管&木管樂器
 ★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
美國 RICO RESERVE 豎笛/黑管 竹片 3號 Bb Clarinet (10片/盒)【D'Addario/DAddario】
美國 RICO RESERVE 豎笛/黑管 竹片 3號 Bb Clarinet (10片/盒)【D'Addario/DAddario】
定價:NT $1130
特價:NT $600
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)

美國 RICO RESERVE 豎笛/黑管 竹片 3號 Bb Clarinet (10片/盒)【D'Addario】

The D'Addario Reserve is a traditional blank clarinet reed that offers a focused sound, a shorter vamp for even response, rounded tip corners for tonal warmth, and a standard tip thickness for quick response. Reserve reeds are crafted using naturally-grown cane from D'Addario's own foreign fields. 
D'Addario has pioneered the first practical and precise system to digitally measure and cut the incredibly complex geometrical patterns necessary to re-invent single reeds.  Reserve reeds are cut to the tightest tolerances, offering the most consistent performance. Reserve reeds are crafted using naturally-grown cane from D'Addario's own foreign fields. D'Addario has pioneered the first practical and precise system to digitally measure and cut the incredibly complex geometrical patterns necessary to re-invent single reeds. Reserve reeds are cut to the tightest tolerances, offering the most consistent performance.
Item Weight 9 g
Product Dimensions 7 x 8.1 x 2.5 cm
Item model number DCR1030
Country Produced In USA
美國 RICO RESERVE 豎笛/黑管 竹片 3號 Bb Clarinet (10片/盒)【D'Addario/DAddario】
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