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Dunlop MXR M303 循環樂句效果器【Jimi Hendrix Clone Looper Pedal】
Dunlop MXR M303 循環樂句效果器【Jimi Hendrix Clone Looper Pedal】
定價:NT $5850
特價:NT $4850
Dunlop MXR M303 循環樂句效果器【Jimi Hendrix Clone Looper Pedal】
Dunlop MXR M303 循環樂句效果器【Jimi Hendrix Clone Looper Pedal】

While looping has been instrumental in a successful musical career for Ed Sheeran and many others, a looper isn’t exactly an essential pedal for every guitar player.It can, however, be a pretty useful one - a looper is a great home practice and ideas-generating songwriting aid, and can also be used as a creative substitute for a band behind a solo act’s live performance. Having a looper almost seems de rigueur for the modern busker. 

Dunlop MXR M303 循環樂句效果器【Jimi Hendrix Clone Looper Pedal】
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Dunlop MXR M303 循環樂句效果器【Jimi Hendrix Clone Looper Pedal】
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