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 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Dunlop MXR CSP-102-SL DYNA COMP 手寫字樣款 壓縮 效果器 【CSP102SL】
Dunlop MXR CSP-102-SL DYNA COMP 手寫字樣款 壓縮 效果器 【CSP102SL】
定價:NT $7540
特價:NT $5100
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Dunlop MXR CSP-102-SL DYNA COMP 手寫字樣款 壓縮 效果器 【CSP102SL】
Dunlop MXR CSP-102-SL DYNA COMP 手寫字樣款 壓縮 效果器 【CSP102SL】
The Dyna Comp Compressor is famous for its first-rate, no-nonsense approach to tightening up your guitar signal and creating rich, full-bodied sustain. Like the Phase 90, this little red gem is a legend among its kind. The pedals produced in the mid-’70s are particularly prized for their unique sound and performance. 
The Script Dyna Comp Compressor combines that old school sound with a couple upgrades for modern gigging convenience. Spec’d from our own 1976 Dyna Comp Compressor, this pedal is built around the rare CA3080 "metal can" integrated circuit (IC), which yields quieter operation, greater transparency, and increased dynamic range.
Dunlop MXR CSP-102-SL DYNA COMP 手寫字樣款 壓縮 效果器 【CSP102SL】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Dunlop MXR CSP-102-SL DYNA COMP 手寫字樣款 壓縮 效果器 【CSP102SL】
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