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商品介紹 > 音箱 & 效果器
BOSS ML-2 破音效果器 【Metal Core /金屬破音/電吉他單顆效果器/ML2/五年保固】
BOSS ML-2 破音效果器 【Metal Core /金屬破音/電吉他單顆效果器/ML2/五年保固】
編號:ML-2 A2376S
定價:NT $3960
特價:NT $3741
BOSS ML-2 破音效果器 【Metal Core /金屬破音/電吉他單顆效果器/ML2/五年保固】
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我要加 $390 購買
樂蘭 ROLAND 9V 變壓器 BOSS原廠推薦 效果器專用 型號 MW41 電源供應器 一般市面八成以上的效果器都適用
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短導線 推薦 ► Dunlop MXR 6" 短導線(15公分)效果器短導線/效果器導線【型號DCP06J】


若要加購原廠變壓器,可搜尋賣場中的商品名稱 BOSS 9V 變壓器(PSA-120TW)


三段式等化器,可以依您需要調整出各種 distortion 感覺。

As heavy as you want it.

With its extreme gain, the Boss ML-2 guitar effects pedal is one of the most potent and heavy distortion pedals ever created by BOSS. It easily delivers massive distortion and gain with heavy lows for playing Nu Metal, Grind Core, Industrial, Hard Core, or any genre that requires crushing sound. The ML-2's ferocious and biting tone will complement and cut through any blast beats your rhythm section can create.

With our Guaranteed Lowest Price, you can be assured of complete satisfaction and the lowest available price, or your money back!

Boss ML-2 Metal Core Distortion Pedal Features:

  • Ultra-heavy distortion with sharp-edged attack for crushing metal riffs
  • LOW control for heavy, low frequency sound a la 7-string guitar or dropped tuning
  • HIGH control for screaming, metallic tone
  • Road-tough BOSS metal construction
BOSS ML-2 破音效果器 【Metal Core /金屬破音/電吉他單顆效果器/ML2/五年保固】
樂器購物► TECKPICK項鍊(復刻版) 【T-na手創品牌】