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竹片►美國 RICO Hemke 中音 薩克斯風竹片 3號 Alto Sax (5片/盒)【Frederick L. Hemke 簽名系列】
竹片►美國 RICO Hemke 中音 薩克斯風竹片 3號 Alto Sax (5片/盒)【Frederick L. Hemke 簽名系列】
定價:NT $650
特價:NT $370
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)

美國 RICO Hemke 中音 薩克斯風竹片 3號 Alto Sax【Frederick L. Hemke 簽名系列】

Frederick L. Hemke 簽名系列

Hemke Alto Saxophone Reeds

Frederick L. Hemke reeds are filed and feature a thinner tip and shorter vamp for ease of response. They are a favorite among jazz and classical players alike; they are also popular with advancing students. Rico's updated reed-making machinery and state-of-the-art process have made today's Hemke reed more consistent than ever before.

  • Shorter vamp for a darker tone
  • Slightly thinner tip for quick response and articulation
  • Offered in boxes of 5
  • Available in half strengths, from 2.0 to 4.0
竹片►美國 RICO Hemke 中音 薩克斯風竹片 3號 Alto Sax (5片/盒)【Frederick L. Hemke 簽名系列】
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