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商品介紹 > 鍵盤樂器 & MIDI > MIDI鍵盤 / 合成器
 ★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
Nektar Impact LX88 PLUS 88鍵MIDI主控鍵盤【LX88+/LX-88+】
Nektar Impact LX88 PLUS 88鍵MIDI主控鍵盤【LX88+/LX-88+】
編號:LX88 PLUS
定價:NT $19500
特價:NT $15000
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Nektar Impact LX88 PLUS 88鍵MIDI主控鍵盤【LX-88+】

Nektar Impact LX88 PLUS 88鍵MIDI主控鍵盤


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Impact LX88 offers the same powerful Nektar DAW integration support as it's Impact LX siblings and is compatible with most popular DAWs. A common workflow gives access to many of the functions you are most likely to need when recording and performing with your Impact LX88. The best part is that it's all done for you. All you have to do is complete the installation process and start making music. Impact LX DAW integration currently supports Cubase, Digital Performer, Garageband, Logic, Nuendo, Reaper, Reason, Sonar and Studio One. DAWs are different and the Impact LX DAW integration caters for each DAWs uniqueness while maintaining a common workflow. Relying on your computer screen for constant feedback, important and essential windows related to what you are controlling can be open and closed as needed, right from Impact LX88. The following is a brief overview of the common workflow. 

Check out the DAW documentation and printed guide

Printed guide & PreSonus Studio One
Bitwig Studio
Cakewalk Sonar
Steinberg Cubase & Nuendo
MOTU Digital Performer
Image-Line FL Studio
Apple GarageBand
Apple Logic
Cocos Reaper
Propellerhead Reason


The 6 dedicated transport buttons are always within reach and mapped to control Cycle, Rewind, Forward, Stop, Play and Record. Press Shift to get access to alternate functions such as Goto L, Set L, Set R, Undo, Click and Mode*. Additional alternate DAW functions include Track up/down and Patch up/down to change your instrument patches are available via the display buttons.
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Press mixer and the first 8 Impact LX faders are assigned to control 8 channels of your DAWs mixer. The alternate Bank up/down function moves control assignments to the next or previous group of 8 channels. The 9th fader is assigned to the currently selected channel so you always know where to find it. The buttons under the faders follow the channel assignment of their corresponding fader and can control Mute or Solo. Pan for the group of 8 channels controlled by the faders is handled by the 8 pots. To help you get the best out of your screen real estate, Impact LX also has shortcuts for opening and closing your DAWs mixer window so you can see what's going on.

The Instrument preset assigns all controls to instrument parameters once an instrument track is selected in your DAW. Using Nektar mapping, a typical control layout places amp and filter envelopes on the faders and the parameters that have the biggest impact on the instruments sound, on the pots. This means you often have filter cutoff and resonance on pots 1 and 2 for example. Using a unique Impact LX "grab" mode you can quickly assign parameters for individual instruments to controls and create the setup you want. The hardware is done, but flexibility remains.
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alternate text STUDIO ONE™ ARTIST

Studio One™ Artist is a powerful recording and production platform that lets you work quickly and stay focused on your inspiration. Incredibly easy to learn, it offers unlimited tracks and plug-ins and delivers features not normally found in entry-level DAWs. 
Access powerful editing tools without wading through menus. Load and save audio clips, MIDI files, effects, and VIs by drag-and-drop. Need an instrument, effects plug-in, or drum loop? Just drag what you need from the content Browser, drop it into the arrangement, and everything is taken care of.
At mixdown, process your tracks using more than 20 high-quality Native Effects; Studio One's cutting-edge mix engine delivers stunning results. Studio One makes it easy!
No other entry-level DAW is this easy to use, yet offers unlimited tracks and plug-in instantiations, extensive use of drag-and-drop, and in-depth editing features. Best of all, Studio One Artist is included with the Impact LX USB keyboard!


   On the back of Impact LX88 you find the connection points including: 
  • USB port for power and data connection to your computer or iPad (via optional USB camera connection kit)
  • Foot switch jack, assignable (pedal not included) 
  • MIDI Output. Can be routed individually for zones, from your DAW or directly from the LX88
  • On/off switch
  • Power Supply socket: 9v 600mA, center positive, 2.1mm barrel connector, (PSU not included)

Nektar Impact LX88 PLUS 88鍵MIDI主控鍵盤【LX88+/LX-88+】
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