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 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Sabian 5片套裝銅鈸 HHX Performance SET 套鈸 內贈18吋 Thin Crash【型號:15005XTMN】
Sabian 5片套裝銅鈸 HHX Performance SET 套鈸 內贈18吋 Thin Crash【型號:15005XTMN】
定價:NT $58500
特價:NT $47600
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Sabian 5片套裝銅鈸 HHX Performance SET 套鈸 內贈18吋 Thin Crash【型號:15005XTMN】
Sabian 5片套裝銅鈸 HHX Performance SET 套鈸 內贈18吋 Thin Crash【型號:15005XTMN】
▲The HHX Performance Set introduces a whole new design to the HHX line. Starting with a round of sparse hammering, followed by lathing, then denser HHX hammering over top, the result is a line of cymbals that are thinner, darker and faster than the HHX Studio, Stage and Power models they replace. A smaller bell on the Thin Crashes and Ride ensures a faster attack and cymbals that trend lighter in weight. The versatility to easily cross musical styles has always been a hallmark of the HHX line, and the HHX Performance Set – with 14” Medium Hats, 16” and 18” Thin Crashes and a 21” Thin Ride – is no exception.
Sabian 5片套裝銅鈸 HHX Performance SET 套鈸 內贈18吋 Thin Crash【型號:15005XTMN】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Sabian 5片套裝銅鈸 HHX Performance SET 套鈸 內贈18吋 Thin Crash【型號:15005XTMN】
aNueNue US1K 全單板 相思木 21吋烏克麗麗 KOA UKULELE 附小小收納袋、PICK、貼紙、胸章、琴布、原廠琴盒