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商品介紹 > 錄音 & PA音響器材 > 錄音設備 > 監聽喇叭
 ★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
PreSonus Eris E4.5 專業錄音 監聽喇叭【4.5吋/二顆/一年保固】
PreSonus Eris E4.5 專業錄音 監聽喇叭【4.5吋/二顆/一年保固】
定價:NT $10200
特價:NT $8500
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
PreSonus Eris E4.5 專業錄音 監聽喇叭【4.5吋/二顆/一年保固】
PreSonus Eris E4.5 專業錄音 監聽喇叭【4.5吋/二顆/一年保固】
very Eris-series studio monitor utilizes a woven composite low-frequency driver. The weave and nature of the Eris E4.5
speakers’ 4.5-inch woofer result in tight bass that you can feel, as well as a cleaner overall sound. The one-inch silk-dome
tweeter produces a smooth and refined sound, accurately reproducing transients and high frequencies. The tweeter is designed to
radiate sound with a fairly wide pattern, creating a large optimal listening area, or “sweet spot,” so you can move around and still
hear an accurate stereo image. With 25 watts per side of onboard power, Eris 4.5 monitor speakers pack a serious punch,
while still delivering clear, accurate audio.
PreSonus Eris E4.5 專業錄音 監聽喇叭【4.5吋/二顆/一年保固】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
LINE@ 即時客服

LINE@ 即時客服
PreSonus Eris E4.5 專業錄音 監聽喇叭【4.5吋/二顆/一年保固】
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