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RODE SM5 長槍式/槍型麥克風防震架 適用Rode NT3/NT4/NT5 台灣公司貨
RODE SM5 長槍式/槍型麥克風防震架 適用Rode NT3/NT4/NT5 台灣公司貨
定價:NT $2670
特價:NT $2070
RODE SM5 長槍式/槍型麥克風防震架 適用Rode NT3/NT4/NT5 台灣公司貨
RODE SM5 長槍式/槍型麥克風防震架 適用Rode NT3/NT4/NT5 台灣公司貨
▲ The SM5 is a suspension shock mount with ring clamp adaptor that allows the use of RØDE Microphones to be used with professional video cameras. It supports camera clamp mounts that effectively grip a 24 or 27mm barrel. Most cameras feature rubber pads inside the ring clamp to allow for some tolerance in barrel size. The design of the suspension shock mount means the microphone is physically isolated from the stand ensuring that there is no unwanted rumble or vibrations in your recording. 1/4" and 3/8" threads at the base of the mount allow for easy attachment to a boompole or other accessories.
▲ 規格 : 
重量: 105.00g
尺寸: 94.00mmH x 60.00mmW x 130.00mmD
▲ 適用:
NT3• NT4• NT5• NT5 Matched Pair
NT55• NT55 Matched Pair • NTG-1
NTG-2• NTG-3
RODE SM5 長槍式/槍型麥克風防震架 適用Rode NT3/NT4/NT5 台灣公司貨
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
LINE@ 即時客服

LINE@ 即時客服
RODE SM5 長槍式/槍型麥克風防震架 適用Rode NT3/NT4/NT5 台灣公司貨
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