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 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Sabian 18吋 HHX New Symphonic French Cymbal 單片銅鈸【型號:11819XN】
Sabian 18吋 HHX New Symphonic French Cymbal 單片銅鈸【型號:11819XN】
定價:NT $28100
特價:NT $21600
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Sabian 18吋 HHX New Symphonic French Cymbal 單片銅鈸【型號:11819XN】
Sabian 18吋 HHX New Symphonic French Cymbal 單片銅鈸【型號:11819XN】
▲SABIAN 18 HHX New Symphonic French pairs are thin and light-weight. They deliver quick and shimmering responses with short sustain. SABIAN 18" HHX New Symphonic French are suitable for soft to moderate dynamic levels, and where dark, thin sounds are desired. Because they are thin models, 18" HHX New Symphonic French will have less articulation than other pairs, and are therefore not typically used for marching music.
Product Dimensions:45.72 x 45.72 x 3.81 cm; 2.95 Kilograms
Item model number:11819XN
Item Weight:‎2 kg 950 g
Sabian 18吋 HHX New Symphonic French Cymbal 單片銅鈸【型號:11819XN】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Sabian 18吋 HHX New Symphonic French Cymbal 單片銅鈸【型號:11819XN】
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