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Sabian 13音 高音銅鈸 含底座【型號:50403HB】
Sabian 13音 高音銅鈸 含底座【型號:50403HB】
定價:NT $125000
特價:NT $81250
Sabian 13音 高音銅鈸 含底座【型號:50403HB】
Sabian 13音 高音銅鈸 含底座【型號:50403HB】
▲SABIAN High Crotale Set with Bar and Base offers unmatched purity and clarity, with perfectly-matched fundamentals and harmonics. The new Crotales have been designed to meet the exacting standards of the world’s most discerning musicians. Tuned to A=442, they offer excellent projection and sustain, with pitch and intonation remaining crystal clear throughout the duration of each note. In addition to the low Profile Mounting Bar and Stem, the set includes a sturdy base, complete with slip-resistant rubber feet and a height-adjustable tube, offering musicians all the components required for their complete Crotale set-up.
Set includes mounting bar, stem and sturdy base
Crystal clear pitch and intonation
Perfectly-matched fundamentals and harmonics
Excellent projection and sustain
Sabian 13音 高音銅鈸 含底座【型號:50403HB】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Sabian 13音 高音銅鈸 含底座【型號:50403HB】