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 ★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
monster導線 | Monster CLAS-I-21 雙直頭 錄音室等級 樂器專用導線 21呎 (630公分)【吉他/貝斯/鍵盤/電子鼓/監聽喇叭/電子樂器專用】/ 喇叭線
monster導線 | Monster CLAS-I-21 雙直頭 錄音室等級 樂器專用導線 21呎 (630公分)【吉他/貝斯/鍵盤/電子鼓/監聽喇叭/電子樂器專用】/ 喇叭線
編號:CLAS-I-21 A1100S
定價:NT $1690
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Monster CLAS-I-21 雙直頭 錄音室等級 樂器專用導線 21呎 (630公分)【吉他/貝斯/鍵盤/電子鼓/監聽喇叭/電子樂器專用】/喇叭線

Monster CLAS-I-21 雙直頭 錄音室等級
樂器專用導線 21呎 (630公分)/喇叭線

Don't let a cheap cable ruin a stellar performance! The Monster Classic instrument cable's 90% copper spiral wrap shielding and all-metal nickel-plated connectors ensure that your gig will be free of buzz, crackle, hum, dropouts, and all of the other annoyances caused by a junky cable. Additionally, Monster Classic's Duraflex outer jacket protects your instrument cable from getting sliced to ribbons (which always seems to happen at a bad time). Your cable affects the sound you get, so protect yourself against buzz, crackle, and dropouts with the Monster Classic instrument cable!