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電鋼琴霸主 Roland FP-10 於美國NAMM Show 2019發表新款,價格將比FP-30更親民,體積則更迷你! 

電鋼琴霸主 Roland FP-10 於美國NAMM Show 2019發表新款

電鋼琴霸主 Roland FP-10 於美國NAMM Show 2019發表新款

Roland FP10電鋼琴彈奏示範


電鋼琴霸主 Roland FP-10 於美國NAMM Show 2019發表新款


The Roland FP-10 is the latest in their FP piano series. It’s simple, entry-level if a bit chunky but with what they call a “reassuringly authentic feel”.

Roland FP-10
They have combined an 88-note PHA-4 Standard keyboard with their “SuperNATURAL” piano tones complete with speakers and a headphone socket. The hammer-action scales up the keyboard feeling heavier down below and lighter up top. They put a lot of emphasis on the feel of the action with Roland’s touch-detection technology, high-resolution sensing and escapement for fast key repetition. They’ve done something weird to the surface of the keys – “Touch the white keys and you’ll be convinced by a revolutionary moisture-absorbing material that recreates the natural texture and tactile feel of real ivory.” That sounds interesting!

The SuperNATURAL sound is apparently really very good, flooding the room via the onboard speakers, and beating any other piano sound at this price level. But it’s also got some organs, electric pianos and strings. There’s a built-in metronome and a rather neat “Twin Piano Mode” where teacher and student can sit side-by-side and play the same range of notes.

On the connectivity side, there’s regular MIDI, USB MIDI and also Bluetooth capability giving you easy access to Roland’s Piano Partner 2 app.

The Roland FP-10 could not be simpler or more straight forward. It’s clean, understated with a good sound and authentic feel, portable and well priced at £483 inc VAT.
Although I have to say that while it looks very neat from above the profile is a lot more frumpy.

Roland FP-10 | ピアノタッチ鍵盤採用の小型ポータブルピアノ
Roland ( ローランド ) は、ポータブルピアノ「FP-30」の下位モデルあたる「 FP-10 」を発表いたしました。
上位譲りのスーパーナチュラル・ピアノ音源とPHA-4 スタンダード鍵盤を搭載。
また、コンパクトサイズながら 12cm 口径のスピーカーを内蔵。1 台で本格的なピアノ演奏を楽しめます。

台灣樂蘭Roland fp-10電鋼琴,2019年全新發表!
更多訊息>>小新樂器館 fp-10特價瀏覽 <<

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