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 ★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
海綿寶寶 原廠授權調音器 Spongebob SBT-01 吉他/烏克麗麗/全音域調音器 SBT01
海綿寶寶 原廠授權調音器 Spongebob SBT-01 吉他/烏克麗麗/全音域調音器 SBT01
定價:NT $850
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
海綿寶寶原廠授權 Spongebob SBT-01 調音器 【SBT01/烏克麗麗/民謠吉他】
海綿寶寶原廠授權 Spongebob SBT-01 全音域夾式調音器



Get in tune with the SpongeBob SquarePants
Clip-On Chromatic Tuner

SpongeBob's happy, smiling face will now be with you from the moment you pick up your instrument with the release of this brilliant new tuner.

The SBT01 is a fantastic little piece of equipment, fully chromatic, that clips easily on to any instrument. With a full twelve note range, the SBT01 lets you tune any instrument – not just guitars or ukuleles – to a very accurate +/-1 cent tolerance.

Fully adjustable, the SBT01 SpongeBob spins, ducks and dives, meaning you can view the blue backlit LCD display from any angle. But what's really funky about this little gadget is that SpongeBob's teeth light up as you tune each note, instantly letting you know if you're flat or sharp.

His two front teeth will light up when you're in tune. The note you're playing is also displayed as a large letter where SpongeBob's tongue would be, and three LED lights (denoting?/in tune/?) across his belt also help out.