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商品介紹 > 吉他區 > 吉他 > 木吉他 > Cordoba吉他
 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
cordoba木吉他 ▷ Cordoba 美國品牌 D3 單板民謠吉他 (桶身: D桶身) 附原廠琴袋、PICK×2、移調夾、背帶
cordoba木吉他 ▷ Cordoba 美國品牌 D3 單板民謠吉他 (桶身: D桶身) 附原廠琴袋、PICK×2、移調夾、背帶
編號:D3 A6800S
定價:NT $15600
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Cordoba 美國品牌 D3 單板民謠吉他 附原廠琴袋、PICK×2、移調夾、背帶

Cordoba 美國品牌 D3 單板民謠吉他

桶身:  D桶身
面板:  單板雲杉木
側板:  桃花心木
背板:  桃花心木
指板:  玫瑰木
琴橋:  玫瑰木
The Cordoba D3 dreadnought features the classic combination of a solid Sitka spruce top and mahogany back and sides, giving it a warm and balanced sound great for all musical styles.  It also has a beautiful rosewood bridge and binding, and rosewood fingerboard.  The styling is refined and sleek, using Mother-of-Pearl for the rosette and fingerboard inlays.  The finish is a thinly applied satin polyurethane. Includes a Cordoba deluxe padded gig bag.